Apocalypse (2003)
Black Water
This photograph was shot in Spain whilst travelling along the coast of Galicia, shortly after thesinking of the Prestige and the ecological disaster that followed. The Corn Harvest (1565), a painting created by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, influenced this photograph.
Dead Dog
This photograph was taken in Spain whilst travelling along the coast of Galicia, shortly after the sinking of the Prestige oil tanker and the ecological disaster that followed.
This photograph was taken in Albania, at a rubbish dump located on the outskirts of Tirana. A community of Gypsies inhabit the dump, relying on the city’s production, feeding off its leftovers. This peripheral existence is controversial, outcast by choice, the community is faced with severe hardship, but in return gains a sense of independence. My intention was to transcend this harsh reality into an apocalyptic vision, to heighten the tension between document and allegory.